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Getting Started With Web Development Using Java Technology For Beginners

When you're ready to start learning about web development, there are several basic skills that you'll need to become a successful Java web developer. In this article, you'll learn about Integrated development environment (IDE), Servlet API, HTML, and CSS. As you learn more, you'll be well on your way to creating your first web site. Getting started is easy once you have some basic knowledge.

Integrated development environment (IDE)

Choosing the right Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for your web development project is not as simple as picking one out of a box. You have to consider your personal needs, and what works for you might not work for your colleague. Some people need more features than others, and the smallest thing could make all the difference. For those who don't need advanced features, there are alternatives to consider. This article will discuss some of the most popular IDEs for web development.

Servlet API

Using the Servlet API in web development is a great way to extend the Java platform. Servlets can be used in web applications to handle many types of HTTP requests. The main problem with servlets is that a client-server connection is not maintained across request/response pairs. Instead, a servlet can store session information. Here are some common use cases. Let's start with a simple example.


For HTML web development, you will need to know a few things. First of all, you should learn what HTTP is, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. HTTP is the protocol used to communicate between a client and a server. Many web developers don't understand HTTP, but it is vital to know what it is, as it is one of the fundamentals of AJAX. Secondly, you should understand the different HTTP status codes, as you will work with these everyday.


Learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript before you begin working with any web development language. Modern web development techniques include responsive design, ECMAScript 5, and JSON. Learn how to work with fonts, maps, and CSS, and learn how to use JavaScript to access the HTML DOM. You'll also learn how to make server requests. Then, you'll be ready to dive into advanced techniques such as creating dynamic websites.

JBoss Seam

If you're a newbie in the world of Java application development, it's a good idea to read up on JBoss Seam for web developers before you begin coding in the language. In the book, you'll learn the basics of Java Script and its integration with the Seam framework. You'll also learn the benefits of using Seam to create stateful web applications.


If you're new to Web development using Java technology, you'll find that Tomcat is a great way to get started. This lightweight, free application server provides the basics needed by many applications. Tomcat also has a short startup time and low redeploy times compared to other tools. Tomcat comes with extensive documentation and tutorials that can guide you through the installation process. Let's take a closer look at what you can expect when you use this free tool.


When starting Eclipse Web Development For Beginners, the first thing you should do is create a workspace. This is where you'll save your code and settings. It can be any directory. You can even create multiple workspaces. This will help you keep track of your projects. If you want to create more than one workspace, you can even add more than one project to your work space. Once you've created a workspace, you can use the shortcut keys to move between them.

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